d. self-reflection. e. All of these are correct. prog. The term used to define what is expected of individuals because of their specific positions in an organization is called their b. business ethics. Instead of focusing solely on Cynthia, John was thinking about the game he was missing. b. people can only establish face-to-face relationships e. being mindful. Is he mad? Presence technology b. Grandstanding d. turn gestures, In the context of nonverbal communication, same-sex touching during a conversation is categorized under _________________. b. Manuscript speech d. a narrative. b. procedural All of the following are ways organization increases speaker effectiveness EXCEPT e. usually. All of the following are examples of mass media EXCEPT Kelsey is listening to a presentation on identity theft. Sydney will be meeting with clients who do not speak English as their first language. c. status a. message overload. e. communication. c. selective listening. It will probably get easier from here." d. Persuasive speaking takes longer than informative speaking. c. Nonverbal communication is less believable than verbal communication. b. content trappers. b. procedural e. topical, "In my speech I will demonstrate that there are clear parallels between the study of natural sciences and the study of humanities." True Competent intercultural interactions and relationships will be difficult if the communicator is not open-minded. Many employees today no longer need an office; they can work anytime and anywhere. c. monitoring c. diffusion. What technique is Scott using to improve his listening? c. We should seek to eliminate all nervousness we feel about public communication. a. people generally expect structure and they expect ideas to be orderly False. Which of the following behaviors has been identified by researchers as one of the main ways people indicate attraction? d. a. b. description. c. egocentrism. b. a rite of passage. e. ambushing. Providing listeners with a clear thesis statement c. face-to-face communication b. idealism Which of the following statements about today's workplace is most accurate? b. relying on mnemonics. c. five to seven members. c. magazines. d. Physical barrier, Katelyn needs to participate in an important conference call. What words or phrases best describe your response to this poem? b. c. haptic a. performance expectation. Do you have somewhere you need to be? In the transactional model of communication, individuals who participate in an interaction are known as ____________. a. c. paraphrasing. e. rules. e. Visualization. What is the best advice for Alicia right now? a. task c. an example. When you state that symbols are not intrinsically connected to what they represent, you are asserting which of the following statements? c. When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, receivers put more faith in the verbal messages. Expert in processing up to 350 invoices p/w and matching purchases orders as well as reconcile discrepancies, chase them for approval and reconciled statement of accounts. Mass media cultivate convergence, but social media do not. The principles of effective composition and speech delivery were first studied by The rhetoricians of ancient Greece and Rome e. Communication is not simple. c. chronemics This is an example of a d. narrative speaking Which of the following options would be the most difficult to express nonverbally? b. between 25% and 35% d. kinesics d. Authority-based credibility False. c. hypothetical thought. b. roles d. Capitalizing on lag time, All of the following are types of nonverbal behavior except __________. The Nile River flows for a longer distance than any other of the world's rivers. Superior communication skills can give you an edge over other applicants in today's competitive job market. His roommate Lance responds, "Sounds as if you're feeling pretty low about the response so far." A method of audience analysis that seeks information about specific listeners and that relates directly to the speaker's topic and purpose is Integrity c. conformity pressures and time required. Undercover detectives must be exceptionally _____. Verbal communication is more believable than nonverbal communication. b. monopolizing. 2. Tom's specific purpose is to convince his audience that texting while driving should not be made illegal. What words would you use to describe the images in these tales and the impression they made on you? Because this is a written communication, I will not need to worry about "noise" entering my message and there will be no feedback. b. using loaded language to refer to a. Ethnocentrism d. Red herring He is now having trouble getting a job after prospective employers view his accounts. Poor acoustics d. corporate rituals You should practice in front of others. b. eye contact b. personal stories. b. convergence, mainstreaming, and resonance. c. positive visualization b. T/F? We may fail to listen carefully when we are just waiting politely for the next pause so that we can have our turn to speak. a. True True c. climate a. tolerance a. d. to highlight. Which Barrier is this? c. symbols organize perceptions. "Grammie you're so cute. Alicia spends all day at work on the Internet then all night on social media looking at interesting things her friends do. T/F? c. respond to the verbal message only and thank him for working late. a. topical Weegy: Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. d. Videoconferencing, b. Better regulate time spent on internet True or False: Communication is Relational and not Individual. e. technology, books, and institutions. Which of the following is an example of paralanguage behavior? b. instagrams. a. d. minimal encouragers Ryan is using a response called ______, Your company is sending you to an important conference. Laura is talking to her grandma on the phone. For example, while you are in the classroom and the teacher breaks the learning with a joke you do not pay attention to the joke you can listen while whispering to a friend. b. plagiarizing. d. "There are concerns in the neighborhood." b. visual aids increase listeners' interest because they add variety. d. listeners find an organized speech more informative than persuasive. d. Language problems, Scott needs to participate in an important videoconference. a. d. inactivity Shonda was sitting in a crowded room that was warm and stuffy. a. convergence, nearly instant speed, and ease of manipulation. Keeping an open mind Communication is not simple (it won't solve all problems, more is not always better, it doesn't always require complete understanding), When we search for words to express an idea, we are involved in the process of _____, Complete the following sentence: "Communication is _________", Competent communication requires that individuals _______, Chris once used Facebook to post photos of himself getting drunk. 0% average accuracy. A. If the verb is correct, write CCC in the blank. Which of the following statements about listening is most accurate? True Today's workers will be expected to write a variety of messages using many electronic technologies. The leader of a political party says a rival political party is "irresponsible because they are hurting the livelihood of thousands of farmers with their policies." Why or why not? d. build credibility with listeners. d. increasing your individualism. Perspective taking is associated with ____________. d. Workers today spend more time in offices than workers in the past. Which of the following is (are) ways to enhance pathos in persuasive speaking? A degree of anxiety is natural and helpful to speakers. a. pseudolistening. d. briefing. b. c. grapevine. Speech context depends on the relationship of the communicators and the situation. d. emphasizing nonverbal differences, You can improve your oral communication effectiveness with people who do not speak English as their first language by__________. e. Sufficiency, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, impartiality. According to anthropologist Edward T. Hall, which social interaction zone describes communication usually occurring at approximately 1.5 to 4 feet? Unfairly biased and intolerant attitudes toward others are known as __________ while _________ is the attitude that one's own culture is superior to others, the language, values, beliefs, & traditions shared and learned by a group of people. Which of the following methods of reducing communication apprehension aims to reduce anxiety by guiding apprehensive speakers through imagined positive speaking experiences? 15 Questions Show answers. e. indexing. e. organizational rites. a. task All of the following are true about symbolic abilities EXCEPT These letters have been translated from Middle English into Modern English, but care was taken to preserve features of their original style. b. previews the content of the speech, includes the thesis, and also includes the speaker's name. Human communication is symbolic. False, One of the best ways to become an active listener is to stop talking. Identify and clearly state your goal Effective written communication has an obvious goal that you convey to the reader. Which of the following statements about communication is accurate? d. the credibility factor. Empathy refers to. c. ethnocentrism d. an enhancement rite. c. Connect with listeners' values and experiences. We spend more time listening on the job than reading, writing, or speaking. By . d. listening to discriminate Technology has forever altered verbal communication, but nonverbal communication remains unaffected. c. seeking gestures Move from the familiar to unfamiliar. above each possessive noun. True b. d. derived power Interaction adaptation theory suggests that: Which of the following is true of nonverbal communication? c. Entertainment speech a. territoriality a. to make ideas more clear and compelling a. d. territoriality Which of the following does NOT apply to persuasive speaking? a. c. Terminal credibility B. Attitudes change day by day while moods persist over time. Listening is a skill that needs to be learned. John was exhibiting a _______ listening. Olivia says to Ellen, "Do you know Adam?" b. Communication always requires complete understanding. Includes hearing disabilities, poor acoustics, and noisy surroundings. c. collectivism e. to mind map. You sit down in college algebra and say "I bet I'll make a D in this class" At the end of the semester, you get a D. This result could be an example of ______. e. feminine, Social information processing (SIP) theory (Walther, 2011; West & Turner, 2014) contends that: e. communicational structural networks. e. twelve to fifteen members. b. Giving a patient a vaccine c. mind map. An introduction Tolerance a. one to three members. a. use words that will impress the listener. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective persuasive speeches? Initial credibility a. d. mediated communication, Gestures that signal shared understanding between communicators in a conversation are known as _____________. b. spatial d. radio. a. Either-or By communicating pleasure, affection, and inclusion, we satisfy our ______ needs. c. territorial markers To nonverbally communicate her message through the function of repeating. Others may have nieces, nephews, or other children in your lives that are important to you. Competent communication requires that individuals ____________. d. politely seek additional information by saying, I'm not sure that you really want to stay late. Erin tries to concentrate during a class lecture, but she can't get her mind off a personal problem. c. Slippery slope _____ I am\mathit{am}am late for school! c. understand the perspective of those who have special experience with the topic. Ray started waving enthusiastically to greet him but Darren, upon seeing Ray's gestures, thought something had gone very wrong. e. delivery gestures, The study of a person's voice is known as ______________. c. Slippery slope b. power distance Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? c. manuscript. d. dilution. Ch.15 From the Earliest Art to the Bronze Age, N432 Test 2: Ch. In this scenario, Melissa continued use of ______________ led to Allen's dismay. c. cultivation theory ", Tony is conducting a team meeting, and he notices that Brittany rolls her eyes every time he says something. a. Internet When we say that communication is relational, what does that mean? e. inoculation theory, The extent to which media representations are congruent with personal experience is known as what by cultivation theorists? Because he is Asian, he can create the budget because Asians are whizzes with math." Communications in Business Chapter 1 Quiz, whovolunteeredtodecorateforPumpkinfest, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Middle Adulthood Social and Emotional Develop, Fundamentals of Science Final Examination Stu. a. thesis statement. a. d. ritual. Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication? c. phatic communication e. literal listening. b. tell Stephen that he should behave more professionally. False Reflected appraisal refers to judging the personal qualities of another attaching meaning to behavior. All of the following are possible purposes for informative speaking EXCEPT Here are a few ways you can communicate clearly and easily: 1. A willigness to learn about and practice beliefs and practices different from one's own; being open-minded and receptive to new experiences. c. committee. d. conformity pressures and lack of leadership. c. Public zone Select a topic appropriate to your audience. You don't know if you need to get off the bus to the next stop. a. uses and gratifications theory d. Because of social media, communicators can now reach out to larger and more varied audiences than in the past. Communication is ongoing and ever changing According to the text, the essential components of communication are source, message, interference, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, and context. Her audience's attitude towards her An economist not affiliated with any political party cities data saying that the same ranchers "have sustained a 5% increase in taxes when purchasing feed." a. creating an entirely online presence. d. perception. a. being deceptive. d. judging. T/F? b. b. Use the most complex language you know so that you sound informed. a. kinesics b. tools, medicine, and appliances. The type of informative speech that summarizes the results of something is a(n) B) b. d. lowering volume when speaking This problem has been solved! According to "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent," at what point in Milton's life does blindness begin to affect him and his work? Resist cultural relativism. He is also surprised when his teachers are irritated if he joins class several minutes after class has started. answer choices . One day I'll make a great salary." What type of noise was interfering with Shonda's message reception? b. a cultural norm d. Symbols create meaning. d. How many speeches her audience has seen T or F, Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. Gestures that request agreement or clarification from a sender during a conversation are known as _________________. a. Personalize the issue, problem, or topic. a. dual perspective. a. paralinguistics True On the line provided, write DEC if the sentence is declarative, IMP if it is imperative, INT' if it is interrogative, or EXC if it is exclamatory. False, An individual's culture affects his or her thinking, behavior, and communication. Limit the information the speaker presents. c. survey research a. vocalics e. All of these answers are correct. c. motivated sequence e. showed proficiency in reading nonverbal signs, _______________ encompasses all behaviors-other than spoken words-that communicates messages and have shared meaning between people. Which of the following is/are considered unifying themes in the field of communication? 12 Care Deliver Strategies, N432 Test 2: Ch. c. role. e. long-term/short-term orientation, Thrift, industriousness, and respect for elders/ancestors are valued in cultures with You should begin by practicing alone. b. Raul is attending a workshop, but he is having difficulty hearing the speaker because the people behind him are talking. 25 percent a. gets listeners' attention, is funny, includes a story, and presents the thesis. d. Calculating a company's net worth. e. digital divide. Which of the following nonverbal behaviors is Charles expressing? b. haptic T/F? Which of the following best describes low-context cultures? Businesses today generate a wide range of messages using a variety of media. Judy's explanation is an example of _____, Barbara wants to be seen as professional by her coworkers. b. round off numbers so listeners can understand and retain them. H4 - Deutsch im Alltag - Kapitel 6 - Wonen, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. a. speaking to inform All answer choices are communication technologies being used by companies today. c. power distance. C. Communication is not simple. Adriana perceived this question as invasion of her privacy. Most people are good listeners. c. define her cultural standpoint. A. Gestures that indicate another person can speak or that are used in a conversation are known as __________________. d. Persuasive speech a. symbols define. Which of the following is an accurate statement about culture? b. John and Cynthia went on a date. Ellen replies, "Oh yeah, he's that gay guy from our dorm, right?" What is the most accurate statement about direct claim and complaint messages? e. lack of leadership and excessive cohesion. e. Hasty generalization, What is the form of reasoning that begins with broad claims that listeners accept and then moves into specific claims? c. preoccupation. Your boss asks that you report back with new ideas that would benefit the company. a. c. surveys b. a group. Explain a personal opinion. T or F False. d. comparative a. less than 25% d. Communication apprehension may be situational or chronic. a. establishing a receptive mind-set, concentrating on appearance and delivery, and sifting information through biases. d. tools, institutions, and medicine. c. Public zone e. gaggle. During his speech, however, Jeremy gains the trust and respect of listeners because he has good research and clear organization. c. comparative b. haptic c. All native born Americans are U.S. citizens. T/F? e. media managers. a. power to a. a long-term orientation. When communicating with a person who has a disability you should ask questions when you're unsure of what to do. b. empathy. c. Preferring indirect verbal interaction a. limit the number of statistics used in a speech. What type of speaking has the primary goal of increasing listeners' understanding, awareness, or knowledge about a topic? The attempt to increase personal status in a group by winning the approval of high-status members is known as The salesperson takes her around the lot and shows her several new cars. Create common ground with the listeners. Invention, as one source of cultural change, is the creation of Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication apprehension? a. mindful mnemonics He cleans his apartment, buys scented candles, and hides all of his dirty laundry. While visiting her parents on a break from school, Deena doesn't pay attention to much of what they say. e. critical audience analysis. B. Attitudes change day by day, while moods persist over time. Since very little published research exists on this topic, Jill decides to poll her student colleagues and some faculty members on their attitudes, opinions, and preferences about faculty. False, In today's workplace, soft skills such as communicating clearly, getting along with coworkers, solving problems, and taking initiative are less important than technical or hard skills. Thrift, industriousness, and also includes the speaker 's name the of. Many employees today no longer need an office ; they can work anytime and anywhere oral effectiveness! Has the primary goal of increasing listeners ' understanding, awareness, or other children in lives. D. comparative a. less than 25 % and 35 % d. communication apprehension relationships will be difficult the! 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One of the following are ways organization increases speaker effectiveness EXCEPT e. usually behavior EXCEPT __________ boss asks that convey... ; they can work anytime and anywhere: 1 laura is talking to her grandma on the Internet then night... Mind-Set, concentrating on appearance and delivery, and respect for elders/ancestors are in...
Josh Wolf First Wife, Articles W